In a world of trends, we realize that great flavor, quality ingredients and honest brand values never go out of style - this is why we created POSITIVE BEVERAGE.

With a mission to provide healthy hydration with simply better ingredients great for all ages - we created a line of products that satisfy taste that you can be proud to put into your daily routine. Our clear vision was to do this at a price point accessible to all while operating transparently with real ingredients - all to reinforce our core values and promise to you. And finally, we did this with a values-centric motivation - to enrich the lives of people, families and communities by playing a small role in the boardroom or the soccer field powering whatever big day people had in store.

Our core values of wellness, community, diversity and inclusion should be reflected by our brand, our employees and anyone associated with it. We welcome all people - however they are and whatever they are passionate about but there must always be an underlying layer of respect and decency to ensure everyone feels welcome.

We’re POSITIVE BEVERAGE, and we’re here to spread positivity through every can, bottle and drop that we share with you.

Shannon Argyros - CEO